Ozone is oxygen with an extra molecule called (triatomic) form of oxygen that is highly unstable and highly reactive with higher energy. It is the most powerful oxidizer known to man next to fluorine. Ozone in water will kill viruses 3125 faster than chlorine (from Milwaukee Public Library Science Section). Ozone is the most potent anti-viral substance known to man that is safe to use in controlled doses and is effective against viruses even in low concentrations.
Ozone has existed in nature since lightning first arced through an oxygenated atmosphere, and has always been easily identified by its unique smell, even in small concentrations. But only since the advent of scientific research and technology has it been identified and understood properly.
What Is Ozone Therapy?
Ozone therapy is a simple naturopathic medical procedure that improves both circulation and utilization of oxygen by the tissues. Ozone is a super-powerful form of oxygen, with strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and detoxifying effects.
Ozone enhances any healing process by increasing delivery of oxygen to hypoxic tissue (through vasodilation) to enhance tissue healing, antioxidant defense mechanisms and improve cell metabolism.
Ozone also has very well-defined effects on the immune system, particularly by regulating the activity of the white blood cells. This makes it extremely useful in allergic and autoimmune conditions.
Many patients find out that with Ozone Therapy,
- Less medication is required
- They can do much more physical activity (walking, exercise, and gardening)
- They can think much more clearly
- Life becomes more normal
History of Ozone Therapy
Christian Friedrich Schönbein (18 October 1799 – 29 August 1868) was a German-Swiss chemist who is best known for inventing the fuel cell (1838) and his discoveries of guncotton and ozone. He is the father of ozone; it was while doing experiments on the electrolysis of water at the University of Basel that Schönbein first began to notice a distinctive odor in his laboratory. This smell gave Schönbein the clue to the presence of a new product from his experiments. Because of the pronounced smell, Schönbein coined the term “ozone” for the new gas, from the Greek word “ozein”, meaning “to smell”. Schönbein described his discoveries in publications in 1840. The ozone smell Schönbein detected is the same as that occurring in the vicinity of a thunderstorm, an odor that indicates the presence of ozone in the atmosphere.